
Berlin Export
An «Entertainment»
New Edition 2024 • English and German

Berlin Export

Difficile est saturam non scribere.
It is difficult not to write satire.
Juvenal. Saturae I, 30

You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty.
Jessica Mitford.

Two German tourists die in traffic accidents in Egypt. Their bodies are used to transport a huge amount of dol­lar bills into Germany. Why are the responsible German authorities not in­ter­est­ed in this case?

In the guise of a Canadian journalist Jack Boul­der is sent to Egypt by a minor German sec­ret service to inquire about the background, tra­vel­ing with a German government mi­ni­ster's de­le­ga­tion. Un­in­ten­tio­nal­ly, an airline physician gives Boulder a lead that finally takes him to Spain.

Apparently, money trafficking is but a sideline in the context of events. They have their root in re­cent German history, former East-West busi­ness relations kept alive, and are far more com­pli­cat­ed and con­vo­lu­ted than everybody thought — and they happen on the level of the new fast and loose German elite.

The novel is set in 2004 in Berlin, Cairo, the Li­byan desert — Basel, Potsdam — re­mi­ni­scen­ces of Budapest in the 1950s and East Berlin in the 1970s — Madrid, An­da­lu­sia, and Tuscany … as the world turns.

Another book featuring Jack Boulder, his friend Lasz­lo Nagy, Dr. Schall — and Jack Boulder's friend Annabel Conti, who still works for a Swiss bank.

This book is part of a cycle of books. The first installment, Unnamed Forces, plays in 2002, the second one, Berlin Export, in 2004, and the third one, Occident Express, in 2006. The story of The Stamp Collector takes place in 2010.

Although each work within the cycle presents an inde­pendent, self-contained tale, they are all connected by the characters of the protagonist, his friends and some other persons, and the outcome of the events of earlier plots. Still, each individual installment of the cycle can be read on its own.


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Berlin Export.
Illu­stra­ted paper­back. 280 pages, 25 co­lor il­lus­tra­tions.
New Edition 2024 | Publishing date: 6 March 2024.
ISBN (Europe): 978-3-7583 1414-8 | ISBN (outside Europe): 978-628-01-2720-0
Order through: Books-on-Demand.

spaceholder new red   Reader's Opinion

spaceholder new blue   "The story is taut and the prose polished, some­times biting and sarcastic, partly laconic, partly de­scrip­tive story-telling. The literary style is adjusted to the easy-reading form of the po­li­ti­cal thriller. The main theme is: Whom can you trust?"
R.P., Berlin.


© 2024 by Peter de Chamier
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